Various cherry blossoms beautifully colors hills in Fukushima/Watari area, so called Hanami-yama. I think the view could be enjoyed in a coming week until early next week. When the sky is clear, you can also enjoy scenic view with “a snow rabbit” of Azuma-yama. Some of you may recall a name “Watari” where was often highlighted in media as a relatively high radioactivity region. Around its walking path, radioactivity rate is monitored and shifts around 1-2 micro Sv/h. ( Fukushima city is conducting decontamination work of Watari area and the situation is improving. To approach, you can take a shuttle bus service from JR Fukushima Station. You can refer to a google map from a following link. (Sorry, pages are only in Japanese.) Please visit, enjoy and understand Fukushima’s current situation.