JR East Railaway company is running a project called Smile Project.
This project is planned to shoot a video message from a special train, whose schedule is preannounced to peoples in the region, asking to message, to perform and to wave their hands while running.
In Fukushima, the project was set with a revival steam locomotive train on 28/July and a edited video was just posted to Youtube. Unfortunately, it may be difficult for supporters out side Japan to understand every Japanese message in this video clip... This message is packed with so many ARIGATO (Thank you), Genki (We are all fine), Ganbaru (We keep challenge) and every gratefulness. It is really impressive that @1:56 a boy is waving a big orange flag with a message "We will look after Fukushima's future"
I cannot watch this video clip without my heart being touched by each message.
Thank you for all support to Fukushima and please keep ecrourage our revival efforts.