Various decontamination works are on going for both the credibility to people outside Fukushima and the confidence of people remain in Fukushima to Fukshima's future.
Most of Fukushima's fruits, like peaches, pears and apples, contains far less radioactivity level to the current tentative Japanese regulation (500Bq/kg). Even if a new regualtion will be set in place in April at 100Bq/kg for fruits, those fruits would still be less than the new standard. The new standards are equivalent to or even less than the EU standards.
Regardress to such expectations, farmers are woking hard to minimise the radioactivity of fruits aming zero detection for credibility to consumers.
I really wish that those efforts will be paied among consumers all around the world.
Picture shows decontamination work at a pear farm land peeling off outer skin of tress. An assumption says that the skin and moss on it hold high radioactivity and it is delivered to fruits. There is no firm evidence of this effectiveness, the effort goes on for the confidence.